About Us

This database provides information on the life and work of sculptors in Britain 1660 to 1851. For each sculptor there is a biography and a list of works.
Search Sculptors gives access to over 3000 biographies, and a list of literary and manuscript references. It can be searched by sculptor, date, or by text contained in the biographies. Once a biography is accessed 'Show Works' provides access to a full list of known works by the artist. More details of each of the works are available by clicking on the subject of the work. Search Works allows for complex searching of all the works in the database, over 30,000 in number. This can be done with or without a sculptor's name, using multiple categories. This can be used, for example, to locate all busts of the Duke of Wellington, to produce a list of works in a current location (perhaps a church or a country house), or to find prices paid to a sculptor for their work. Search Bibliography gives full details of over 3000 texts used in the preparation of the database.
Explanation of Terms
'Sculptor' is broadly defined to include, for instance, carvers, casters, modellers, stone-carvers, and proprietors of sculptural businesses. Sculptors who were born in Britain, worked in Britain, or worked for British patrons are included. Works are only included when they are signed or adequately documented. Only a very small number of works that do not fulfil the criteria are included, and then only on overwhelming circumstantial evidence. Many good attributions are omitted. The aim is to keep the database a repository only for proven data. No works are included where the sculptor is unknown, therefore every list that is generated consists only of signed or documented works by a known artist.
The database was principally compiled by Emma Hardy, Ingrid Roscoe, and myself in the course of the production of A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain 1660-1851, published in hardback by Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and the Henry Moore Foundation (© 2009).
The content was updated in 2010, and I continue to add information at monthly intervals. The aim is to keep the database up-to-date with discoveries in the field, and I welcome any corrections, new information, or references to forthcoming publications. If you have information that you are happy to share please contact gunnis@henry-moore.org stating clearly the data and the supporting evidence.
The database is hosted and maintained by the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, under the direction of Ann Sproat (Librarian). My post is supported by the Paul Mellon Centre and the Research Department, Victoria and Albert Museum. The database was designed in Filemaker by Barry Herbert of The Art of Computing, and adapted for the internet by Serifnet.
Also available in hardback, published by Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre and Henry Moore Foundation, Sept 2009. ISBN 9780300149654
Dr MG Sullivan