Details of Sculptor

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Surname Banks Alternative Surname Bankes
First Name Richard Initial of Surname B
Year of Birth/Baptism Flourished 1626
Year of Death
Biographical Details 'Richard Banks, of St. Bartholomew the Great, mason’ married Mary Miller at St Nicholas Cole Abbey, in the City of London, on 26 January 1626 (Chester II, 1887, 161). He may perhaps be identified with the Richard Bankes, who is described as 3 Bus Regibus Lapicidae on the tablet commemorating his son-in-law and daughter, the Rev and Mrs Francis Clerke (†1715), in Shoreditch Parish Church. The monument bears both his arms and those of the Bankes family.
Literary References: Gunnis 1968, 37
Archival References: RG/JP, 1, 96; IGI
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