Details of Sculptor

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Surname Airey Alternative Surname
First Name of Kendal Initial of Surname A
Year of Birth/Baptism Flourished 1795-1851
Year of Death
Biographical Details He flourished in the first half of the 19th century. A William Airey, mason of Kendal, is referred to in the Cumberland Pacquet of 10 February 1795. The same mason, or possibly another with the same surname, signs a well-carved marble tablet to Anne Stewardson in Westmorland (1). Another tablet in Skipton, with a cross, descending dove, palm branches and bible, is signed ‘T Airey’ (2).
The Carlisle Journal of 20 March 1813 reported that Airey, a stone mason, had married Elizabeth Fawcett, also of Kendal. Thirty years later the same newspaper advertised the sale of marble chimneypieces at the house of Thomas Airey at Battle Borough, Appleby (26 April 1845). It stated that Airey was about to move to Kendal. In 1851 a Cumberland directory gave his profession and address as ‘Stone Masons and Builders of Stricklandgate.’ Edward Bayliffe of Kendal also worked from this street in 1845.
Literary References: Gunnis 1968, 15; Hall 1979, 1; RG/JP,1,14v-15 (Add inf. Denis Perriam)
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